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Getting started

On this wiki you will find all needed documentation to get started with PowerDeComposer.

How to get PowerDeComposer

PowerDeComposer is available as a standalone download or via Maven. You can either download the latest standalone jar or create a Maven pom.xml file to let the Maven utility download and execute the latest jar.

PowerShell module

To simplify the usage of PowerDeComposer and give users a kick-start a PowerShell module with scripts and sample configurations are created. The module and quick-start guide can be found here.

How to use PowerDeComposer standalone

In order to use PowerDeComposer you need to call the utility using the command line.

Decompose a model

The decompose command consist of the following parts:

decompose <ModelFileLocation> <TargetFolderLocation> [<ConfigFileLocation>]


Config element Required Description
ModelFileLocation Yes The file location of the model to decompose.
TargetFolderLocation Yes The folder location to write the decomposed model to.
ConfigFileLocation No The file location of the configuration file. See Configuration.


Example command line call to decompose a PowerDesigner model file into a decomposed model:

java -jar XmlDeComposer.jar decompose "C:\Path\To\ExamplePowerDesignerModelFile.ldm" "C:\Path\To\Decomposed\Output"

Compose a model

The compose command consist of the following parts:

compose <ModelFileLocation> <TargetFileLocation> [<ConfigFileLocation>]


Config element Required Description
ModelFileLocation Yes The file location of the model to compose.
TargetFileLocation Yes The file location to write the composed model to.
ConfigFileLocation No The file location of the configuration file. See Configuration.


Example command line call to compose a PowerDesigner model file based on the decomposed model:

java -jar XmlDeComposer.jar compose "C:\Path\To\Decomposed\Output\DecomposedModelFile.ldm" "C:\Path\To\ExamplePowerDesignerModelFile.ldm"

How to use PowerDeComposer with Maven

Maven is a build tool that can be used for automating different tasks in a build process. Maven can also be used to obtain and run a specific version of PowerDeComposer. For this you need to have Maven installed.

For running PowerDeComposer with maven see the example pom.xml and command files here

Please note that you can only run PowerDeComposer versions from 1.1.0 and up via this route.

Bugs & issues

When you encounter an issue while using PowerDeComposer please report the issue on GitHub.

Please provide the following information:

  • Steps to reproduce
  • Expected behaviour
  • PowerDeComposer version used